Research Publications in Journals and Book Chapters
Note that, in the list below, the list of authors is ranked by
alphabetical order for the vast majority of the articles
published while I was working in France.
Casanova, H., Giersch, A., Legrand, A., Quinson, M., and Suter, F. (2025). Lowering Entry Barriers to Developing Custom Simulators of
Distributed Applications and Platforms with SimGrid. Parallel Computing, 123, 103125.
Ferreira da Silva, R., Badia, R. M., Bard, D., Foster, I. T., Jha, S., and Suter, F. (2024). Frontiers in Scientific Workflows: Pervasive Integration with HPC. IEEE Computer, 57(8).
N’takpé, T., Gnimassoun, J. E., Oumtanaga, S., and Suter, F. (2022). Data-Aware and Simulation-Driven Planning of Scientific
Workflows on IaaS Clouds. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 34(14), e6719.
Casanova, H., Ferreira da Silva, R., Tanaka, R., Pandey, S., Jethwani, G., Albrecht, S., Oeth, J., and Suter, F. (2020). Developing Accurate and Scalable Simulators of Production Workflow Management Systems with WRENCH. Future Generation Computer Systems, 112, 162–175.
Ferreira da Silva, R., Casanova, H., Orgerie, A.-C., Tanaka, R., Deelman, E., and Suter, F. (2020). Characterizing, Modeling, and Accurately Simulating Power and Energy Consumption of I/O-intensive Scientific Workflows. Journal of Computational Science, 44, 101157.
Degomme, A., Legrand, A., Markomanolis, G., Quinson, M., Stillwell, M., and Suter, F. (2017). Simulating MPI applications: the SMPI approach. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 18(8), 2387–2400.
Casanova, H., Desprez, F., Markomanolis, G. S., and Suter, F. (2015). Simulation of MPI Applications with Time-Independent Traces. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 27(5), 1145–1168.
Casanova, H., Gupta, A., and Suter, F. (2015). Toward More Scalable Off-Line Simulations of MPI Applications. Parallel Processing Letters, 25(3), 1541002.
Casanova, H., Giersch, A., Legrand, A., Quinson, M., and Suter, F. (2014). Versatile, Scalable, and Accurate Simulation of Distributed Applications and Platforms. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 74(10), 2899–2917.
Antoniu, G., Costan, A., Bigot, J., Desprez, F., Fedak, G., Gault, S., Pérez, C., Simonet, A., Tang, B., Blanchet, C., Terreux, R., Bougé, L., Briant, F., Cappello, F., Keahey, K., Nicolae, B., and Suter, F. (2013). Scalable Data Management for Map–Reduce–Based
Data–Intensive Applications: a View for Cloud and
Hybrid Infrastructures. International Journal of Cloud Computing, 2(2-3), 150–170.
Casanova, H., Desprez, F., and Suter, F. (2010). On Cluster Resource Allocation for Multiple Parallel Task
Graphs. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 70(12), 1193–1203.
Dutot, P.-F., N’takpé, T., Suter, F., and Casanova, H. (2009). Scheduling Parallel Task Graphs on (Almost) Homogeneous
Multi-cluster Platforms. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 20(7), 940–952.
Caron, E., Desprez, F., Quinson, M., and Suter, F. (2004). Performance Evaluation of Linear Algebra Routines. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 18(3), 373–390.
Desprez, F., and Suter, F. (2004). Impact of Mixed-Parallelism on Parallel Implementations of
Strassen and Winograd Matrix Multiplication Algorithms. Concurrency and Computation:Practice and Experience, 16(8), 771–797.
Caron, E., Desprez, F., and Suter, F. (2003). Parallel Extension of a Dynamic Performance Forecasting
Tool. Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 6(1), 57–69.
Caron, E., Chaumette, S., Contassot-Vivier, S., Desprez, F., Fleury, E., Gomez, C., Goursat, M., Jeannot, E., Lazure, D., Lombard, F., Nicod, J.-M., Philippe, L., Quinson, M., Ramet, P., Roman, J., Rubi, F., Steer, S., Suter, F., and Utard, G. (2001). Scilab to Scilab//, the OURAGAN Project. Parallel Computing, 27(11), 1497–1519.
Book Chapters
Arabnejad, H., Barbosa, J., and Suter, F. (2014). High-Performance Computing on Complex Environments (pp. 147–168). John Wiley & Sons.
Caron, E., Desprez, F., Fleury, E., Lombard, F., Nicod, J.-M., Quinson, M., and Suter, F. (2002). Calcul réparti à grande échelle. Hermès Science Paris.